
Spoofing Information for AS 6461 (ZAYO-6461)

Spoofing status per IP block for last year of data

(Results for all dates also available.)
Spoof status key
receivedSpoofed packet was received.Pattern of tests from this IP block indicates a switch from allowing spoofing to blocking it.
rewrittenSpoofed packet was received, but the source address was changed en route.
blockedSpoofed packet was not received, but unspoofed packet was.
unknownNeither spoofed nor unspoofed packet was received.
IP blockLatest testSpoof
207.235.139.x/242024-01-11 18:04:17 GMTrewrittenblocked

Customers of AS 6461 we have spoofer tests from

This is the list of directly connected customers of AS 6461 from which we have received a spoofer test, ordered by the customer's ability to send spoofed packets and the number of prefixes of an inferred ingress ACL derived from prefix announcements for the customer recorded in the latest month of public BGP data. BCP-84 describes ingress ACLs as "the most bulletproof solution when done properly" and the "best fit ... when the configuration is not too dynamic, ... if the number of used prefixes is low." Further detail about the size and dynamism of an inferred ACL is available by following the History link for each AS.

ASNCountryNumber of Prefixes
in Customer Cone
Number of ASes
in Customer Cone
207176 (OPENFIBER)nld (Netherlands)70AS 207176 testsreceived
27364 (ACS-INTERNET)usa (United States)3812AS 27364 testsreceived
3801 (MISNET)usa (United States)765AS 3801 testsreceived
20119 (ARROW)can (Canada)38129AS 20119 testsreceived
4637 (ASN-TELSTRA-GLOBAL)hkg (Hong Kong)14359612782AS 4637 testsreceived
10745 (ARIN-ASH-CHA)usa (United States)40AS 10745 testsblocked
11039 (GWU)usa (United States)50AS 11039 testsblocked
8587 (Infracom-AS)nld (Netherlands)110AS 8587 testsblocked
12876 (AS12876)fra (France)110AS 12876 testsblocked
3999 (PENN-STATE)usa (United States)120AS 3999 testsblocked
1403 (EBOX)can (Canada)190AS 1403 testsblocked
56478 (BCUBE-AS)gbr (United Kingdom)230AS 56478 testsblocked
27425 (ASN-IDK-27425)usa (United States)297AS 27425 testsblocked
8399 (SEWAN-FR)fra (France)320AS 8399 testsblocked
63182 (RAPIDSCALE)usa (United States)330AS 63182 testsblocked
19165 (WEBPASS)usa (United States)430AS 19165 testsblocked
22616 (ZSCALER-SJC1)usa (United States)511AS 22616 testsblocked
5645 (TEKSAVVY)can (Canada)749AS 5645 testsblocked
61461ven (Venezuela)7826AS 61461 testsblocked
14593 (SPACEX-STARLINK)usa (United States)1882AS 14593 testsblocked
46475 (LIMESTONENETWORKS)usa (United States)29912AS 46475 testsblocked
13977 (CTELCO)usa (United States)36353AS 13977 testsblocked
13767 (DATABANK-DFW)usa (United States)48891AS 13767 testsblocked
9500 (VODAFONE-TRANSIT-AS)nzl (New Zealand)50446AS 9500 testsblocked
6057ury (Uruguay)1349209AS 6057 testsblocked
11232 (MIDCO-NET)usa (United States)147050AS 11232 testsblocked
3737 (AS-PTD)usa (United States)154639AS 3737 testsblocked
13999mex (Mexico)167340AS 13999 testsblocked
7029 (WINDSTREAM)usa (United States)3680573AS 7029 testsblocked
17072mex (Mexico)6011101AS 17072 testsblocked
18734mex (Mexico)7743200AS 18734 testsblocked
812 (ROGERS-COMMUNICATIONS)can (Canada)17557946AS 812 testsblocked

Address Space Announcement History

The customer cone for 6461 is too large for a prefix list to be useful.

Last Modified