
Spoofing Information for AS 41378 (KirinoNET)

Spoofing status per IP block (all dates)

Spoof status key
receivedSpoofed packet was received.Pattern of tests from this IP block indicates a switch from allowing spoofing to blocking it.
rewrittenSpoofed packet was received, but the source address was changed en route.
blockedSpoofed packet was not received, but unspoofed packet was.
unknownNeither spoofed nor unspoofed packet was received.
IP blockLatest testSpoof
37.123.196.x/242024-02-02 10:22:47 GMTreceivedreceived
37.123.199.x/242023-12-30 11:27:00 GMTblockedblocked
2a0e:aa00:1xx::/402023-09-29 20:54:18 GMTreceivedreceived

Address Space Announcement History

The customer cone for 41378 is too large for a prefix list to be useful.

Last Modified